• "Twitter" the Most Growing Website in the Kingdom by 3000%


     "Twitter" the Most Growing Website in the Kingdom by 3000% 
    Nidhal Al Hettami, CEO ofIT City Company, statedthatthetotalnumber ofusers ofthesocialnetworkingsite"Twitter"is estimatedatmorethan3million users, adding thatfiguredoesnotreflectthehigh prevalence ofInternet service in kSA.
    Al Hettamiwho presented aworking paper entitled "“E-marketing through social media” saidduringa lecturehosted byAsharqia Chamberyesterday eveningSunday, March 10, 2013titled"E-commerce"that the percentage of "Twitter"maleusersreached55 percentwhile the percentage offemalereached 45 percent.
    Two other working papers were presented in the lecture titled “Electronic stores - necessity or luxury” and “How to profit through technology”.

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